Cave of Adullam

Mutterings on the Regnant Follies

The Editors

Three Cheers for the New World Order

Normally we don't comment on breaking news stories because they are dated by the time our magazine appears. Still, it looks as though the story in Bosnia is going to be pretty much the same for the next twenty years, so it may be safe to comment on the situation there.
The United States, NATO, the UN, and assorted European countries have all banded together to do a nostalgic dance in the former Yugoslavia. They put the left foot in, they take the left foot out, they do the Hokey Pokey, and they turn themselves about.

Welcome to the Hotel Cambodiana

An alert reader e-mailed us an AP report on the trials and tribulations of one Mike Evans in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and we quote. "A Texas evangelist fled Cambodia today after a mob angry over his failure to perform faith-healing miracles rioted outside his hotel . . . Only the arrival of 20 armed police on Friday night kept the more than 100 violent protesters from storming the luxury Hotel Cambodiana . . . " Seems that the crusade had advertised his coming with the modest promise"Blind eyes will open, the paralyzed will walk." But then things didn't work out somehow.
The problem is not that we had this riot in Cambodia. The wonder is that we haven't had them in Oklahoma.

Government Aid for AIDS

Wake-Up Call America let us know about a small but noisy contingent of scientists who are maintaining that the entire war on AIDS is misdirected, misdefined, and misinformed. "U.S. government AIDS programs are now receiving $6 billion per year and are based entirely upon the hypothesis that the HIV virus causes AIDS." The problem is that attempts to cause AIDS experimentally with HIV have failed completely, there are thousands of AIDS victims who do not have the HIV virus, and the virus itself shows none of the classical characteristics of a disease-producing organism.
It sounds to us like HIV actually causes well-funded research grants.

We Didn't Get the Joke

In a recent Chalcedon Report , Andrew Sandlin reports on the "laughing revival" that is sweeping certain sections of the Canadian and American charismatic churches. Led by Rodney Howard-Browne, the revival was described (glowingly) in the August issue of Charisma magazine. Howard-Browne said, "You can't understand what God is doing in these meetings with an analytical mind . . . The only way you're going to understand what God is doing is with your heart." As Charisma described it, "Many people lie on the floor giggling, sometimes for hours, after he has touched them on the forehead." Howard-Browne identifies himself as "a Holy Ghost bartender," and is apparently quite a gifted dispenser of celestial hooch.
And if this keeps up and spreads, it will probably lead to a laughing revival among non-Christians as well.


National Review reports that at the twenty California State University campuses, "out-of-state students who are U.S. citizens pay $7,380 in annual tution. Illegal immigrants pay $1,584."
But as the system demonstrates, non-Californian Americans are the real aliens. So why shouldn't they pay more?

Just Say No to Drugs

In a recent cover story, Life magazine asked this question about Jesus"Who Was He?" In the best democratic tradition, they asked a whole bunch of people, who said a whole bunch of things. One of them, given space by Life for some reason, was Barbara Thiering. She said, "It's in the scrolls if you really study the codes. It was not a resurrection. He was put on the cross. Those within his own party, trying to help him commit suicide, gave him poisonthe sponge dipped in vinegar. He was unconscious but not dead. His side was pierced, blood came out. A dead body does not bleed, so his followers knew he was not dead. He put him in the cave. He lived until his seventies, and it was heJesus acting behind Paulwho led their party out of Judaism and to Rome. He married Mary Magdalen and had four children."
We would like to ask our non-Christian readers to consider how much faith it requires not to believe in the resurrection.

Oh So Modern

The well-respected, conservative evangelical scholar Alister McGrath recently nodded off when reviewing the new Roman Catholic Catechism in the pages of Christianity Today, when he began this important task by objecting to the catechism's lack of female pronouns: "The problem is that the catechism uses the term 'men' generically to denote humankind. . . . [I]t could be expressed just as well by replacing 'men' with 'men and women.' It would no doubt be reassuring to the catechism's female readers to know that they, too, can be saved."
Now maybe Alister can help the God of Scripture get over the same hang-up. We'll side with Rome on pronouns!

Not a Prayer

The first big push in the new conservative Congress will apparently be to restore the socialist government schools through school prayer, and we are just beside ourselves! The editors of Credenda regret to say that our patience with the new Republican majority is exhausted.

Credenda/Agenda Vol. 7, No. 1

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